Sunday, March 20, 2011


      In this project, I used the elements of scale and proportion to show which adjectives portrayed me in a specific order.  For example, DETERMINED, has the largest font, followed by FOCUSED, HARD-WORKING, ORGANIZED, and finally HONEST.  This is the order of the adjectives that I chose to describe myself, creating a hierarchy of adjectives.
     I positioned the words on the page so that each has its own position, none encroaching on the other.  I believe this also shows the balance of various things I have in my life.  All in influence others as seen by their proximity to the other adjectives, but none interrupt the other; yet they all fit.
     The rhythm of the piece first catches the eye with DETERMINED.  It is bold and emphasized by the exclamation points.  From there, you can move to FOCUSED, which then points you to HARD-WORKING.  Once there, you can travel to ORGANIZED or HONEST, whichever catches the viewer’s eye first. 
     There is repetition with FOCUSED to emphasize the meaning of the word.  In order to properly focus, sometimes you have to see things more than once until it all becomes clear.  I have to wear glasses to see clearly, so it’s also sort of indicative of what I see when I don’t have my glasses on to when I do wear them. 
     I’ve used a variety of fonts and styles to emphasize each word and how I felt it should best be presented.  I think this variety also brings the pieces together in an organized unity.  The adjectives I chose paint the picture of a certain kind of person and I believe I manipulated their position and style/font in a way to best portray me, or one part of me. 
     I conformed to the “Rule of Thirds” with the placement of each word in a specific order.  DETERMINED begins in the upper left third, takes you to the bottom right third where you move on to the bottom left third with FOCUSED.  From there, you’re sent to the top right third with HARD-WORKING, and are allowed to roam freely to ORGANIZED and HONEST. 

1 comment:

  1. All,
    Here’s the on-line assignment for today (since I’ve had to cancel class due to the weather)
    If you are unable to leave these comments below, please email them to me!

    1. Visit 5 of your classmates blogs at this link and leave constructive comments:

    2. Your comment must cover the following:
    Which three design principles could be considered more carefully in order to improve your (5) classmate’s overall designs, and how should these principles be specifically implemented? Be very specific to receive full credit. Remember, you are critique five (5) different projects made by five of your classmates.

    3. With each of the five (5) designs you chose for question #1, choose one (1) personality “word/term” and describe how this word could be adjusted in order to reflect its meaning more accurately. Which design principles should be implemented (and how should they be specifically used) in order to get the “word or personality term” to express its meaning more directly?

    Good luck and see you Monday!
    Professor Groat
